Learn exactly how to solve your QuickBooks auditing issues, in less than 30 minutes.


If you’ve been using the QuickBooks online platform for months (or even years), chances are you’ll run into bookkeeping issues every now and then–especially when reconciling your accounts.


Many of my clients have realized that QuickBooks reconciliation issues often aren’t “Google-able,” which leaves business owners confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed. Sound familiar?


By learning a few quick and efficient QuickBooks skills to audit your accounts, you’ll be able to identify common red-flags and troubleshoot solutions if your numbers aren’t matching up. 


This video training will not only prevent future QuickBooks errors, but save yourself time and energy with a streamlined auditing workflow.

Hey, I'm Kayla!

After working in QuickBooks professionally for years, I’m well-acquainted with the most common issues that pop up for business owners, and I know the fastest and easiest way to fix them.


I help small business owners and entrepreneurs declutter their finances and gain the skills they need to grow their businesses with confidence. Troubleshooting QuickBooks reconciliation errors comes with the job!



To offer an extra layer of bookkeeping support, I created a QuickBooks Audit training video as a go-to resource for business owners to troubleshoot on their own. 

This course will allow you to tap into the experience of a professional bookkeeper, understand what’s going on behind the scenes in QuickBooks, and show you how to fix common reconciliation errors you might encounter.


In fifteen minutes, I’ll explain where to look for mistakes in QuickBooks, show you how to fix them, and teach you what red flags to watch out for to avoid problems in the future. I’ll also go through multiple examples so you can fully understand the strategy behind each part of the auditing process. 


You’ll walk away knowing how to audit your books quickly and effectively while ensuring your business is financially on track.

What’s Included:


Real examples of how to problem-solve when your numbers don’t match up


Explanations for how QuickBooks functions work and when you should (and shouldn’t) use them


A step-by-step workflow for approaching the auditing process with confidence


Time-saving tips and tricks to make bookkeeping simpler and more efficient


With this valuable video training, you’ll gain the auditing skills to make sure your finances are accurate and up-to-date.


Let’s make sure your money is going where you want it to go!


Are my results guaranteed?

Like anything in life, you will get out of this video what you put into it. This video provides you with the knowledge to be successful. If you need further help, we recommend looking at our other video, How to Setup your Quickbooks Online Account or you can reach out to us with any specific questions at info@kcvirtualbookkeeping.com

Can I share course info with a friend?

The insights you learn will definitely be share-worthy, but we have noticed that each business owner takes something different from the video. We specifically make our courses low priced so this knowledge is accessible to all business owners. We ask that you send this page to share with your friends.

I loved this video and want more! What other courses do you offer?

We’re so glad you loved this video! We also offer How to Setup your Quickbooks Online Account and plan to offer more in the future. Check out the courses page for more information.

Of course, if you would rather gain more time back, we would be happy to take over your quickbooks online account for you.

Just contact us at kcvirtualbookkeeping.com for more information.

What if I don’t have QuickBooks online yet?

Fill out our application and we can send you a link with a discount! After you complete the courses you decide that you need more help; then we can set you up with coaching or monthly services.